growing in faith


We offer Children’s Church to children from Preschool through 5th grade.  Children attend the music and prayer portion of our worship service at 10:00 AM with their families.  During the welcome time they will be free to go and then exit with their teacher to Classroom 8.  While in the classroom, they will discuss their weekly lesson and do a fun craft or game.  Children can be picked up after the worship service.


LIT (Living in Truth) is our youth group here at Christ Community United Methodist Church and is open to any young person from 6th- 12th grade.   The goal of LIT is to meet each youth with where they are at in their own personal lives and faith journey.  LIT meets for in-person events and outreach programs when we can, participates in winter and summer camps at Mingus Mountain, joins youth from other UM churches in the west valley for various activities and also takes part in youth-driven mission trips with a group called It’s Their Mission.